
Many friends and correspondents have helped adding to my list of Akimbos, including the following:

Craig Fitzroy my (very) old mate and ex-colleague.
Martin S Taylor who had ulterior motives
Mathias Disney who had actually heard of Captain Beefheart
Dan Wilson who pointed out that some Akimbos were only Almosts
Brian Jones who couldn't help thinking about comely wenches and the dreaded lurgy
Alan Norman who rode roughshod
Susan who first pointed out that Americans hold their arms akimbo
Solomon Wright who was driven UP THE WALL trying to think of some new Akimbos
J Hussein who liked Indian food
Graham Williams who's no idiot - not even a blithering one
David Whiteland who reckons he has ears akimbo
Iain Edwards who though he smelt smoke
Hakim Cassimally who knew a thing or two about whammy bars
Les Carr whose scudding was the proof of the pudding
Steven Jones who is not a professor of genetics, but whose mind boggles
Roger Sigrist who thought the OED ungenerous
Mike Taylor an heir ap-arrant
Philip Draycott and his elk
Steve Baldock who went round the wend
Barbara Gruts (sic) who thought we might be related
The Guardian newspaper for pointing its readers to the Akimbo web site
Ivor Cutler for the wonderful poem, Gruts

(With humble apologies to anybody I have overlooked.)

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