Me and my big mouth!

No sooner have I said Yes, I know you can have "arms akimbo", but you never hear of it, do you? than I am literally inundated with a couple of e-mails from the good-old U.S. of A. (where else?) saying words to the effect of You do over here, my old China - in fact, I've never heard of the phrase "legs akimbo".

Then a couple of so-called Brits joined in. They should be ashamed of themselves.

To add insult to injury, my Pocket Oxford Dictionary seems to agree, to wit:

akimbo: adv. (Of the arms) with hands on hips and elbows turned out.

But what the hell do they know? They spell organise with a "z".

Anyway, it must be a regional thing, because everyone around my neck of the woods says "legs akimbo", and it's my game, so that's fine by me. So can we please get back to the Akimbos page?

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