Double standards

BBC: BBC halts Kilroy for race 'rant' (09-Jan-04)
The Kilroy programme will be taken off air immediately following comments made by Robert Kilroy-Silk in a newspaper article, the BBC has announced. The presenter branded Arabs "suicide bombers, limb amputators, women repressors" and asked what they had given to the world other than oil.

Of course, what Kilroy should have done was to slur Scousers instead: they're used to it. For example, I just heard Simon Hoggart on BBC Radio 4's News Quiz make an gratuitous joke—much to the London audience's amusement—about how a Scouser's idea of formal wedding attire is loose, comfy clothes and shorts. This unnecessary (and, let's face it, unfunny) anti-Scouse jibe was made during a topical question (about Britney Spears's recent short-lived marriage) that had absolutely nothing to do with Liverpool or Scousers. Will the BBC be taking Hoggart off the air, do you reckon—or do they see Scousers as fair game?

Filed under: Nonsense

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.

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