
A correspondent is surprised that I didn't comment on this last week. So am I:

BBC: Emperor and mystic nun beatified

Pope John Paul II has declared five Roman Catholics blessed, including the last Austro-Hungarian emperor and a nun who inspired a Hollywood film…

However, the beatification of Emperor Karl I has been criticised by some as he authorised the use of poison gas by his army in World War I…

"I hope Emperor Karl will serve as an example, especially for those with political responsibilities in Europe today," the Pope said.

As I no doubt would have commented: Barking!

Filed under: Nonsense

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.

One comment

  1. My theory is that dead men tell no lies. I would like to refer the reader to the many treacheries of the vatican including the imprisonment of the women of Ireland in laundries, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of orphans in many institutions....but particularly the orphans of Duplessis, the migrant orphans, the Lakota Sioux, and the Canadian natives, not to mention the cover up and protection of thousands of pedophiles.
    This we should embrace? I think not.

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