
BBC: Blair defeated over terror laws

Tony Blair says his authority is intact despite suffering his first House of Commons defeat as prime minister.

Does anybody else find this as scary as I do?

8½ years since he was elected, and this is the first time that Tony Blair has been defeated in the Commons. I thought only dictators had that sort of voting record. I thought we were supposed to be living in a quasi-democracy!

Filed under: Nonsense

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


  1. In the Notre Dame area of France, do they have a quasimodo-democracy?

  2. In the Notre Dame area of France, do they have a quasimodo-democracy?

  3. I suspect it's because you are refreshing your screen when it takes more than a couple of seconds for your comments to be submitted, so you end up sending them twice. I keep meaning to re-write my sloppy code to stop that from happening. One day, maybe.

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