Angels of the North West?

Liverpool Echo: Gormley: I want statues to stay

Artist Antony Gormley has given the campaign to keep his iron men statues on Crosby beach a massive boost—by fully supporting the plans.

Mr Gormley told the Daily Post he thought making the beach the permanent home for the Another Place work was the "best future" for it.

It would be great if the statues could stay in Crosby: they have transformed an otherwise uninspiring beach into a truly wonderful experience (and a major tourist attraction).

See also: My photos of the statues

Postscript (09-Mar-2007): The statues are staying.

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


  1. Crosby beach! Now, to me that just doesn't sound like a seaside town.

    Crosby sounds more like a mining community in the Black Country!

    But then, Weston Flavell sounds like a seaside town, except that it is in the middle of Northamptonshire!

  2. Ah! apparently, they are about to install a wind farm out to sea off Crosby Beach............bless!

  3. There are already some land-based wind turbines in the industrial land next to Crosby beach. I don't object to them there, the fat lot of good that they're doing.

    The views from Crobsy over the sea to Wales are very spectacular. It's a shame they'll soon be ruined in the name of environmentalism (with the emphasis on the mental).

  4. As my dear old dad used to say...."every little bit helps, as the woman said as she pissed in the sea"

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