Carter's Jackdaw-Resistant Bird Feeder

Carter's Jackdaw-Resistant Bird Feeder
Pat. not yet pending.

I've decided to do something about the jackdaws stealing all the nuts from my bird feeder. Jen won't let me have a gun, as she suspects (correctly) that I would use it to shoot cats. So, this afternoon, I invented Carter's Jackdaw-Resistant Bird Feeder™.

I say jackdaw-resistant because them crows are damn devious. I'm sure their cunning bird brains will eventually overcome the challenge. In the meantime, the tits should be able to feed untroubled.

Oh, and it's a hell of a lot easier to fill than the traditional bird feeders.

That's nuts and tits in the same post. Should help the ratings.

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


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