1. Don't hate London Karen; Its the greatest city in the World. I do know what you mean though. I went to see Ghost Town (sweet film) in Leicester Sq the other day and I swear if I had to spend more than an hour in the centre of town I would go mental. London improves with age. I'm from the Wirral but have lived here since 1991 (87 if you include Uni) and it never ceases to amaze me. I particularly love Autumn, all mists and mellow fruitful mess. I'm not even that social. Give me a good play with some of the finest actors and a restaurant with some of the finest Chefs 4 times a year and I'm a happy Londoner. Finding a good pub (and I mean PUB) helps. It's the only place the English truly open up. In short, `i `love this picture. I'm a cloud sea this evening as well.

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