We did that!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Homo sapiens can be a pretty damn awesome species at times:

Earth from Mars
A snapshot from Mars on 31-Jan-2014

Kind of puts Jen's and my recent triumph assembling and hanging a pair of Ikea bathroom cabinets into perspective.

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


  1. Don't do yourselves down; you need a degree in astrophysics to assemble those things. Plus you deserve a medal if you actually went to a branch of Ikea and emerged without killing someone.

  2. It was worse than that. One of the glass shelves shattered the day after the cupboards went up, so I had to go BACK to Ikea and refuse to leave until they had provided me with a replacement. They said they didn't stick spares, soI suggested they take a shelf out of the cupboard in their showroom. They eventually sussed I wasn't taking 'No' for an answer.

    Nasa never has these problems.

  3. Not wanting to sound like a cracked record, I like occasionally to draw attention to the Opportunity rover.

    This rather amazingly over-delivering piece of kit was sent to Mars for a 90-day mission and has just completed 12 F'ing years of constant exploration and analysis.

    Day 4263!

    As you were.

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