The Subjunctive

Challenge posed in an email from Stense: …I spent yesterday musing about why I thought 'If I were you' was more grammatically correct than 'If I was you' - answers on a postcard please! An excellent challenge! So I sent her a post card (printed in very small letters), which went as follows: Stense, You… Continue reading The Subjunctive


BBC (01-Jan-03): Ape 'learns to talk'

Filed under: Nonsense

Near-Death Experience

I was carrying out some diagnostic work with an electrical meter yesterday, trying to work out why the light over my bed still wasn't working after I had re-connected a loose wire. I wasn't quite careful enough with my probe, and the room lit up for a brief instant. As near-death experiences go, I'd give… Continue reading Near-Death Experience

Filed under: Nonsense


I had a strange, whisky-induced dream last night: I was in a cow shed with a farmer friend of mine, and drank water from a rusty old ladel, realising it would give me a sore throat. When I woke up, I had a humdinger of a sore throat. Less sceptical people than myself would say… Continue reading Premonition

Filed under: Nonsense

Plus ça change

From The Victorians by A.N. Wilson, p. 179 (concerning the Crimean War): [Times journalist, William Howard] Russell's dispatches had revealed a miserable, unheroic, ramshackle campaign presided over by old men. Lord Raglan, fluent in French as he was, and genial, had a distressing habit - born of his youthful years of serving under Wellington -… Continue reading Plus ça change

Filed under: Nonsense

A Rather Curious Number

Today would have been J.R.R. Tolkien's eleventy-first birthday. By way of a tribute, I should like to quote the first paragraph of Tolkien's I ever read (over Irish Mick's shoulder on the train on my way home from school many, many years ago): “I need no map,” said Gimli, who had come up with Legolas,… Continue reading A Rather Curious Number

Filed under: Nonsense