Sebald's Vision

by Carol Jacobs

High-brow analysis of the enigmatic author's oeuvre.

Sebald's Vision

This is a very high-brow book. I will eagerly read anything that might assist me in my ongoing efforts to get my head around the unclassifiable wonderfulness of W.G. Sebald's published works. Carol Jacobs certainly knows her onions. She has spotted all manner of running Sebaldian themes that I completely overlooked in what has become my yearly re-reading of his books. To be honest, I thought one or two of Jacobs's identified themes were somewhat fanciful, but there is plenty of food for thought in this book—at least in those parts of it that I was able to follow.

One for real Sebald groupies and literary theorists.

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Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.