Going through the motions

BBC: Bush 'caught short' at UN summit

It's a situation anyone could find themselves in—having to answer the call of nature in the middle of an important meeting. But when you are the US president, at a gathering of more than 150 world leaders, it is even more tricky.

While talk at the UN world summit was focused on terrorism and internal reform, George W Bush appeared to have been caught short. And, he is said to have turned to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for advice. "I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible?" a Reuters news agency photographer caught him writing in a note to Ms Rice.

Someone at the BBC has a sense of humour. The above news item was shortly followed by:

We share your pain, Mr President.

Filed under: Nonsense

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.

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