
For reasons I won't bore you with, yesterday, I arranged to meet Carolyn outside Asda at 4:30pm to hand over a pink rucksack with fairies on it.

At 4:40pm, I rang her to find out where the hell she was. It turned out she believed we'd agreed to meet at her mum's house, from where she would give me a lift to Asda. I have absolutely no idea why she might have thought this, but I didn't press the point. She said she'd meet me outside Asda in ten minutes.

Fifteen minutes later, I phoned her to find out where the hell she was.

"I'm inside Asda," she said. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the door, just like we agreed, standing around, looking like a complete lemon."

"Well, I'm in here, standing around, looking like a complete banana."

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.

One comment

  1. The singer Kevin Ayers had a thing about bananas, & would say the word banana in his songs in unusual places. He even called his fourth album 'Bananamour' as a mark of respect.

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