Thin end of the wedge

This is how it began with the smokers (remember sweet cigarettes?):

BBC: Shows 'encourage teen drinking'

Teenagers may be encouraged to drink more because television soap operas are "awash with alcohol", according to a survey published in The Food Magazine.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, mark my words: it starts with think of the children, and will end with the banning of alcohol from pubs.

Welcome to the healthy, new, smoke-free, carbon-neutral, low-fat, tea-total, meat-is-murder, asterisk-the-swear-words, Puritan age.

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


  1. uh huh....exactly right.....recently mycompanion told me she was at a work's evening thing recently. She's a social worker who manages a big lodgings scheme for abused adolescents.

    At this do were other social workers who manage foster carers who were also at the do. This team had made a decision, not to have a drink on this evening, because it wasn't professional to be seen doing this in front of punters.

    Jesus.....what happened sanityand personal responsibility. No wonder we're in a mess.

  2. All soap operas seem to focus on the local pub because, of course, that's where the characters go all the time to interact (they never sit at home watching soap operas on telly like the rest of the population). Of course soap operas also encourage teens to lie/cheat/call women 'slags'/kill a family member/shout obscenities at neighbours in the street/have unwanted babies/marry several times for the wrong reasons.....and apparently never do housework, go to the toilet or have a bath.

  3. It strikes me that they don't own washing machines, cookers or kettles either. Also they appear to display some kind of perverted community spirit where they take in all waifs & strays without ever attracting the attention of the local police child protection depts.

    This trendseems to have originally manifest itself in Neighbours & has since swept the globe.

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