
Richard carter is george Michael

Richard Carter - George Michael Tribute Act

Richard Carter appeared on Stars in their Eyes in March 1999. He proved to be a popular contestant and was well credited for his performance.

Richard's act contains everything from early George Michael hits such as 'Everything She Wants' and 'A Different Corner' and follows his career up to date with his latest hits.

Not wishing to be unkind to my namesake or anything, but I think he looks more like me than he looks like George Michael.

In fact, I think I'd go so far as to say that the resemblance is pretty damn spooky.

Filed under: Nonsense

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.


  1. Did you know that an anagram of Richard Carter is I COME HE, that's Boy George!

  2. What a gimmick...'Richard Carter is George Michaels...the singing, trampolining walrus of lurve!'

  3. don't tell've been googling yourself.....and you ended up as George Michaels. It could have been worse....tonight Matthew I'm going to be Dolly Parton....just imagine what you'd look like then.

  4. Yes, but with tits like that, I would be quite a conversation piece. (breaks the ice at parties)

  5. true.... and the reason why god didn't give men tits is because they'd never get any work done....they'd be spending all their time playing with their titties.

  6. To avoid any confusion over who is writing these comments, I should like to point out that I (Richard "Gruts" Carter) always have a dashed orange box around my comments these days. Accept no imitations.

  7. yes, and you have capitals too! Perhaps the other richard carter dresses up as George Michael!

  8. I'm the guy in the pic it's all about the singing
    Would be interested to see how much we look

    To see my video go to you tube Richard carter as George micheal


  9. What? This video?

    I have to say, you don't look anything like me on the telly. I am far better looking. But you do sound like George Michael, from what I remember. Is he still alive?

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