Bungled Banksy heist

BBC: Gang foiled over Banksy theft bid

A gang of thieves disguised as workmen tried to cash in on the popularity of guerilla artist Banksy—by trying to steal the door of a derelict building.

The Bristol-based artist had daubed a painting on the steel door in Slater Street, Liverpool, as part of the city's biennial in 2004.

The gang attempted to steal it but they were scared off by cleaners…

The work on the door, known as Liverpool Love Rat, has not been valued but is now under lock and key.

They would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those pesky cleaners.

Fortunately, for those of you who might have missed it, I was prescient enough to capture the work of art in situ for posterity:

'Liverpool Love Rat' by Banksy
Liverpool Love Rat.

Ah, yes, but is it really art?

See also:

Richard Carter

A fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation.

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