Giving me the willies

BBC: Penis is a competitive beast [A] team from the State University of New York believe the thrust of the penis during sex may help to clear a woman's reproductive system of a previous lover's semen. Eeeew! We're entering into serious sicko territory here: They tested their theory in experiments using latex phalluses, an artificial… Continue reading Giving me the willies

Filed under: Nonsense

Worrall Lorra Laughs

In the Liverpool branch of John Lewis (still known locally as George Henry Lee, despite the recent needless name change), they are selling an "Anthony Worrall Thompson Juice Extractor" for £89.50. Hey, I'd pay that much just to watch the look on his face.

Filed under: Nonsense

The Welshish Gene

BBC: Welsh have 'survival gene' Professor Jane Aaron, of the University of Glamorgan, has a theory on why the Welsh seem to respond to adversity with an extra effort. [She] says the Welsh have what might be likened to a survival gene - a setback prompts a renewed burst of creative energy. Oh dear, here… Continue reading The Welshish Gene

Filed under: Nonsense

Define 'pedantic'

BBC: Skydiver plans Channel flight [29-Jul-03] An Austrian with a carbon wing strapped to his back is to attempt to fly across the English Channel unaided. Unusual use of the word unaided. BBC: Wild horses return to Kazakhstan [30-Jul-03] The world's only truly wild horse, known as Przewalski's horse, is to be re-introduced into Kazakhstan… Continue reading Define 'pedantic'

Filed under: Nonsense


BBC: Virtual humans edge closer For years, one of the main goals in computer graphics has been to recreate a totally convincing human being on screen, something that looks and acts so life-like that it is indistinguishable from a real person. Indistinguishable from a real person, that is, provided the real person in question is… Continue reading Avatarts


As you can see, I've added a new comments feature to each item on this page. I'm still playing around with it, and the Prime Minister has told me to sex it up a bit, but it more or less works. Why not give it a go?

Filed under: Nonsense

Minding one's Fs and Qs

BBC: TV swearing 'promotes grunt culture' The "f-word" was used almost 1,500 times in films on the [UK's] five terrestrial television channels in the first half of this year, according to a report published by Mediawatch-UK. Sick, sick, sick! Someone should stop them. What sort of twisted fucker spends their evenings counting swear-words on telly?… Continue reading Minding one's Fs and Qs

Filed under: Nonsense

El viva Italia

BBC: Britain lays claim to lasagne Italy may be a land of lazy lunches and sun-kissed siestas, but challenge its reputation for home-grown cuisine at your peril. Ah, yes, Italy! Famous for its siestas and its cuisine—and let's not forget its paella and its bull-fights.

Filed under: Nonsense