Bishop of Oxford

Following on from my letter to Estelle Morris, I have written a Letter to the Bishop of Oxford to congratulate him on his recent anti-creationist broadcast. [No, I'm not sure what my letter is trying to say either.]

Filed under: Nonsense

Estelle Morris

I've just sent a letter to Estelle Morris, Secretary of State for Education and Skills,about a piece in yesterday's Guardian newspaper, which reported how science teaching at a school in Gateshead is being undermined by Christian fundamentalists.

Filed under: Nonsense

BBC: The Weakest Link Village (Idiots) Special

Anne Robinson: In mathematics, how is one-half expressed as a decimal? Female contestant: Can you repeat the question please? Anne Robinson: In mathematics, how is one-half expressed as a decimal? Female contestant: A quarter? Later in the same round: Anne Robinson: The rock group The Manic Street Preachers come from which country in the United… Continue reading BBC: The Weakest Link Village (Idiots) Special

Filed under: Nonsense

Padre Pio

BBC: Italian statue 'weeps blood' Now there is a surprise: a statue of Padre Pio has reputedly started doing something truly miraculous; that's one more step on the path to sainthood for Padre Pio, then. I had never heard of Padre Pio until I went for a holiday to Sardinia in 1998, when the TV… Continue reading Padre Pio

Filed under: Nonsense


In hospital for a minor operation. A nurse asks me to fill in a questionnaire, detailing any medical conditions I might have. I say that I am allergic to cats. On learning this, the nurse writes the word CATS on a large, red label and attaches it to my wrist. This, she explains, is to… Continue reading Allergy

John Thaw

John Thaw's No more, s(o) dot-dash-dot, dot-dot, dot-dash-dash-dot, Inspector Morse.

Cat clone

BBC: First pet clone is a cat As if we didn't have enough of the evil, obnoxious creatures already; now they're cloning the bastards! (I'm not a cat person.)

Filed under: Nonsense

Sleep study

Reuters: People Who Sleep Less Live Longer, Study Finds [T]he study shows that longer sleep is a risk factor for cancer as well as heart disease and stroke But correlation does not show causation: perhaps, for example, people who are unwell are more likely to sleep longer.

Filed under: Nonsense

Darwin Day

Today is Charles Darwin's 193rd birthday. Happy Darwin Day!

Filed under: Nonsense